welcome to my new blog

I hope my words somehow inspire you, and make you smile, please tell your friends if you like my blog, and, share my joy for writing. Have a wonderful day, hug someone you love.

Monday, March 28, 2011

an arm workout video.

Here is an easy weight workout for the upper arms, I am using weights as shown, and seeing results, so thought I would share anything useful I find online.:)
upper arm workout link

Sunday, March 27, 2011

again foot pain causes a pause

taking the weekend off except for weights, due to foot pain, back on track for Monday, this is such a long journey, and Im only beginning, so I'll forgive my pauses, if in the end I reach my goals. Being kind to myself, is so much a part of this journey, learning to accept imperfection, yep, thats all part of it. more later........

Friday, March 25, 2011


Knowing the reasons why I need to accomplish my goals in life is so important.
Not only weight loss goals but any goals. Keeping a blog, or a journal is very important as well. I want to lose this weight for a lot of reasons, #1 is to be on the earth longer, and to have a healthy life, with my kids and one day grandkids. My mom died at the age of 62. In todays world that is incredibly young, she was a smoker for many years, but did manage to quit later in life, but the damage had been done, Ive read that damage to your lungs from smoking can never be reversed, however quitting can prevent any future damage. Thanks goodness I never smoked, but crazy as it sounds I did marry a smoker, and I cant tell you how many times I have questioned that decision. My husband has no intention of quitting, he smokes outside, I have NEVER allowed it in my home. I preach the dangers to my boys, Josh and Adam, they seem to get it, they are young, but my influence with them has always been strong, I pray that it will carry on with them not ever smoking, my teenage son Josh is 16, and he speaks poorly of smokers, and its consequences, which is music to my ears!!!:)
So I was discussing my mothers death at age 62, she had heart damage, from a lot of reasons, poor diet, lack of exercise, being a smoker most of her adult life.  to make a long story short, she had heart bypass surgery, never fully regained strength, or stamina to exercise, and had another heart attack, went into a coma, a for a week never woke up, the Dr. told us, she was brain dead, and probably wouldnt wake up, after that week of much prayer and hesitation, we chose to remove her from life support, she died 20 minutes later, watching my mother die in front of me, was the hardest experience of my life, and there have been others, but that was the worst. I dont wish it on my worst enemy.
I never want my kids to go through anything that tramatic. The Dr. also told us that she had the heart of an 80 yr, old woman. that was really hard to hear, she had worked hard, in a factory, where she stood for very long hours on a concrete floor, in a bread factory.
I wasnt ready to let go of her, I wasnt ready to lose the only person in my life who loved me that much. I had to, I had no choice. I couldnt watch her lie there and be connected to machines that were keeping her heart beating, it was indescribeable pain.
So back to my original message, I want to be healthy for my kids, I just turned 48, and Im only 14 years away from the age she was when she died, I have a lot of living left to do. I want to feel good, to feel vibrant, to wake up with a zest for life, and be able to see all the positive things life has to offer me, and my family.
I also want to be noticed, not as the "fat" mom, or the fat woman, but the pretty lady. If I might sound vain for just a moment, forgive me, but I'd also like to walk by a group of constuction guys, and maybe get a second look, or even a whistle. it wasnt so long ago that did actually happen if my world, or at least it doesnt seem like it. Is that so wrong????
I had my last son Adam at age 40, he was one of the greatest blessings of my life, My pregnancy with Josh, was very strained, I was hight risk, and he had to be delivered early due to complications of preeclampsia. Both his life and mine were in great jeapardy. I never thought there would be another child, but I always knew Josh needed a brother, and that was my goal, after I lost 30 pounds we were pregnant again, by choice, and on our way to a fantastic journey again, but this time my great Dr, Smith referred my to a specialist who diaognosed my condition, and put me on meds, and I was able to go full term, however my Dr, decided to deliver Adam 2 weeks early just to be safe, he was fully developed and ready, that was a joyous day for me, One of many.
So, I want to be able to enjoy my boys, and one day enjoy their children, I didnt have any girls, so Im hoping they will give me a granddaughter, that I can spoil, and love.
  • My poor mother only got to know my first son, only for 1 year he was born in March, and she died the next March. Its almost the anniversary of her death, March 30, and I hardly ever visit the grave, its just too sad for me. I want my boys to have me around to enjoy them, and their lives, as long as possible. Its not too late to decide to get healthy, even little things make a difference. One more thing Im really proud of, both my boys love Brocolli, that may sound strange to throw in this post at the end, but it just goes to show how starting out with good habits early in life, can stay with you forever, they dont eat every veggie, but brocolli is acceptable, my husband hates it, but I always told him to never talk bad about good foods to them, let them be healthly, Im competimg with  a multitude of fast food giants who want their souls, I do let them have that junk sometimes, but I have always served a veggie, and fruit with their meals at home, thats how they will serve their children, good habits can live on forever, There are many reasons for wanting to lose this weight, but the greatest is my love for my children, and the strength they give me everyday.
me, my sister and my mom I was around 12

Thursday, March 24, 2011

getting there.....

Today I worked my weights, and walked for 45 minutes. Very proud of myself for pushing through to make 4 straight days. Had lunch with a girlfriend, so a rather good day for me. My 16 yr. old son Josh, tells me I dont do enough social things for myself, Im too busy being a mom, my husband calls me a hermit, I am a rather private person, so I am planning on nurishing friendships, and creating more lunch or movie dates with friends, who knows maybe even a girls night!! Crazy right? So Im even thinking about a date night with the hubby, if I can sweet talk Josh into watching his little brother.:) more later

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3 in a row!!!! yeah!

Feeling a little bit proud of myself today, walked 45 minutes with Scooby,(my German Shepard) I struggle to walk him, because he gets way to excited, and he isn't trained properly, so I get a little nervous that he might cause damage if he gets loose, but it all went well, then I came home, and little guy scrappy wanted to go too, so I walked him about 20 minutes. I cant walk them at the same time cause they get a little nuts, and together they are quite unmanageable. So I got quite the workout. I did my 5lb weights for arms and upper body before I left, so that was taken care of early.
I did splurge on lunch at home: Juicy burger, on 100% whole wheat bun,, with grilled asparagus, and rice. But its okay, I'm on track, and working on  my goals. the food choices haven't really been my problem, its the not working out, or exercising, so I just have to balance the two things. found this video on line, hope it helps me.:)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One more for the books!!!!:)

Had a fantastic work out today, a 45 minute walk with scrappy, and then a 25 minute work out with Brittney. (spears):) ha, I know Im not a teen, but her music is a great work out, you cant help but get into it, I highly recommend it for anyone needing motivation!!!!
This week is starting out great, cross my fingers that I can complete an entire week without missing a single day, thats my baby step goal for this week!!!!!!! wish me luck!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Im proud of my baby steps

This weight loss journey is a long one. There are times when I don't exercise for as many as 4 days, usually that's the weekend when the kids are out of school, and I make excuses that I'm too busy with my little guy to do it, and I work full time at night on the weekends, so I'm more focused during the week when the boys are in school.My days are mine to myself, and I feel like I can focus more on the exercise. I wont beat myself up, for the times I miss, I will only praise myself for the times I get the walk in, and the weights. If I only focus on the bad the good cant shine through, I can see a difference in my face, and the way I feel, even when I only walk 3 to 4 days a week.
Today I walked with scrappy (the dog) for 45 minutes, we took our usual route, then ventured off through the Daffin park area, its a mainstay in Savannah,  O then did my 5 lb weights.Its beautiful this time of year, our Azaleas are blooming now, and spring has sprung. I'm thankful for the days that I'm successful, and hopeful that I can get strong enough to make everyday exercise a priority, but for now, its baby steps to my goal, and I'm proud of that.!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Back on Track

Walked yesterday, and today, doing 5 lb weight workout for upperbody, Stairs are on hold for now, until I am stronger, so far so good, saying a prayer that I can maintain my motivation, and strength. The weather is gorgeous here, that helps.....more later.:)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Took a few days break

Had to break for a few days, several reasons, I had bad foot pain on my right foot, think I was overdoing it, so now I have to figure out how to get in the walk or stairs, maybe not both at first, due to strain its a hard balance. Also I used this weekend to plan my oldest sons birthday he turned 16 on March 11, pics to follow later, so Ill be on track by Monday, so say a prayer, that I continue to be motivated and focused, its way to easy to just drift back to old habits, Any advice? I need to hear anything that might help me. thanks to all. Glenda

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

one day at a time!!!!

Well I havent posted for about a week, and its going pretty good so far, Im not focused on the scale right now, so I wont post weight loss, until I really can see a difference.
There were a couple of days that I over did the workout (muscle strain in legs), so I had to give myself a little break, but then I got back on track, and am walking again, doing stairs (behind my house) there is an apartment upstairs that isnt occupied, so I use those stairs. :) Freebies, gotta love them.
I did a great workout today, walking, arobics, and stairs. There are 12 steps and go up them 15 times, not bad for an out of shape lady. I must say that after about 4 trips up the steps, I feel it, but I keep going, I try and push myself so I stay on track,
I have always felt like the kind of person, who is an all or none kind of girl, so Im in.
My little dog Scrappy goes on my walks with me, it is a lovely secluded wooded trail, that beckons the active to come on along and enjoy nature. Scrappy is elated that I have started this journey, he had a lazy mommy for a while, now each day, he waits for the cues that its time to go, when I put on my walking shoes, he knows, he is super excited about this venture, but I think its for selfish reasons.:0)
The weather here is nice, its warm enough for t-shirts, no jackets, but winter isnt all that eager to let go, and we have a few cold days that sneak back in, but nothing too bad.
So Im still on track, keeping my eyes on the prize,(goal weight and great heart health)!!
thanks for all of you that have shown an enterest, and all the great feed back, Im open to hearing any ideas to keep this up, and any tricks for healthy living, and diet. Have a fantastic day!!!!!glenda

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Walking my way to a more healthy me.

This is my first blog about my new walking routine. I am just 2 years short of being 50 years old. When I look at photos, or look in the mirror lately, I really don't like what I see. I see and overweight woman, who doesn't look or feel healthy. I see a mother of 2 boys who won't be around to see her grand kids grow up, if I don't take some drastic action NOW!!!! There is a wonderful walking trail across the street from where I live!! Why haven't I taken advantage of the peaceful private, wooded trail all these years??? So its been a full week of walking now.......
Sure Ive made half hearted attempts in the past to take full advantage of this  trail until recently have I really seen it for the blessing it truly is.
There is no excuse any more, I'm done ignoring my ill health. I'm done being the fat girl.
I'm done feeling tired, and feeling like I have zero energy!!! I want to be able to keep up with my soon to be 9 year old son Adam. *(the love of my life)!! He deserves a mother who is energetic and happy. I want to be a mom he can feel proud to show off.
I have been reluctant to put this all down in writing, because that really makes it real! I cant ignore it, I cant pretend like I didn't really mean it anymore. This weight is coming off, and the ultimate goal will be a fun, healthy me, someone I am proud to be, not the shrinking violet I have always been. This is the time for me to take charge of my life, and be in control of everything I put into my body, and be in control, and have SELF control, and stop the endless cycle of mindless eating!! More water, lots, and lots of water!!! Less soda, *(coke is my weakness). I have switched to coke zero but I realize that is not good for me either, but I can not go cold turkey at first, that would lead to failure. So its just baby steps, those little steps, one at a time, because every journey begins with one step. LOVE ME.