This is my first blog about my new walking routine. I am just 2 years short of being 50 years old. When I look at photos, or look in the mirror lately, I really don't like what I see. I see and overweight woman, who doesn't look or feel healthy. I see a mother of 2 boys who won't be around to see her grand kids grow up, if I don't take some drastic action NOW!!!! There is a wonderful walking trail across the street from where I live!! Why haven't I taken advantage of the peaceful private, wooded trail all these years??? So its been a full week of walking now.......
Sure Ive made half hearted attempts in the past to take full advantage of this trail until recently have I really seen it for the blessing it truly is.
There is no excuse any more, I'm done ignoring my ill health. I'm done being the fat girl.
I'm done feeling tired, and feeling like I have zero energy!!! I want to be able to keep up with my soon to be 9 year old son Adam. *(the love of my life)!! He deserves a mother who is energetic and happy. I want to be a mom he can feel proud to show off.
I have been reluctant to put this all down in writing, because that really makes it real! I cant ignore it, I cant pretend like I didn't really mean it anymore. This weight is coming off, and the ultimate goal will be a fun, healthy me, someone I am proud to be, not the shrinking violet I have always been. This is the time for me to take charge of my life, and be in control of everything I put into my body, and be in control, and have SELF control, and stop the endless cycle of mindless eating!! More water, lots, and lots of water!!! Less soda, *(coke is my weakness). I have switched to coke zero but I realize that is not good for me either, but I can not go cold turkey at first, that would lead to failure. So its just baby steps, those little steps, one at a time, because every journey begins with one step. LOVE ME.